n her feature-film debut, renowned visual artist Shirin Neshat offers an exquisitely crafted view of Iran in 1953, when a British- and American-backed coup removed the democratically elected government. Adapted from the novel by Iranian author Shahrnush Parsipur, the film weaves together the stories of five individual women during those traumatic days, whose experiences are shaped by their faith and the social structures in place. With a camera that floats effortlessly through the lives of the women and the beautiful countryside of Iran, Neshat explores the social, political, and psychological dimensions of her characters as they meet in a metaphorical garden, where they can exist and reflect while the complex intellectual and religious forces shaping their world linger in the air around them. Looking at Iran from Neshats point of view allows us to see the larger picture and realize that the human community resembles different organs of one body, created from a common essence.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
“Flies On Cupid” is an Indie Feature Film that I wrote and directed. The film featured key cast members such as; Jon Polito, Mitchell Whitfield and Shane Conrad. It was a great set to be on, and we had a great time with one another as we worked together throughout the rigorous shooting schedule. Had the pleasure of working with an awesome group of people in front of and behind the camera, as well as during post-production! We just finished a six year distribution run with 1st American, and are ready for another company to take the helm for the next block of distribution time. Check us out at IMDB.com or www.fliesoncupid.com for more info on the film. Thanks, Morgan
Video Rating: 5 / 5