Tonen Chemical
Polyethylene-Based, Porous Film 4-27
4.11 Cymbet Alternate Manufacturing 4-27
4.12 Thin-Film Batteries Packaging 4-27
4.13 ITN Energy Systems Fibrous Substrates, PowerFiber 4-28
4.13.1 ITN Sensors 4-31
4.14 Cell Construction 4-32
4.15 Impact Of Nanotechnology 4-33
4.16 Thin Film Batteries 4-34
4.16.1 Thin Film Battery Timescales and Costs 4-37
4.16.2 High Power And Energy Density 4-37
4.16.3 High Rate Capability 4-38
4.17 Comparison Of Rechargeable Battery Performance 4-39
4.18 Polymer Film Substrate 4-45
4.19 Micro Battery Solid Electrolyte 4-46
5.1 Nanotechnology Thin Film Battery Lithium-Ion Company Profiles 5-1