Question by …: Would you let your children take part in a DOCUMENTARY?
I apologize, my last question was incorrect. My children are 7 and 13 and they live in Brunei (S.E. Asia). There is a production team that have contacted many Brunei schools (including my daughter’s school) and they want to create a documentary about the children of Brunei, the richest and the poorest. It is Channel 4, which is a well known staple British TV channel. They plan to interview them about their life, how they grew up and if they are aware of the differences of “classes” in Brunei and follow them around on their daily life for a period of time, they’ll only film for a max of 3 hours a day (maybe not everyday). The point of the show is mainly to highlight how the poor children live in Brunei (there is a lot of poverty and many children work from the age of 10) but they will be filming the lives of the richer children too.
They want to highlight the poverty in Brunei, which they describe as a rich country. I think it would be good for my kids to take part but before I jump ahead of myself, what would you do? my girls want me to sign the consent form to take part
If it makes any difference, my children will be part of the “rich” Bruneian children who attend an international school – natively, they are american but live in Brunei.
i hope it is detailed enough, sorry for last time – it is not a reality show,
Yes, I live in the UK too, and I don’t mind channel 4.
Best answer:
Answer by Amy M
It sounds like a reputable news channel doing this, and a very reasonable documentary. In this case I would agree, though I can understand possible reasons for wanting to disagree with it.
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