Question by mjones: Would you vote for me? here is what I believe in!!! Please Read Vote Mr. Jones?
Economy-Taxes should be based on a percentage of what you make, that way it is fair. State sales taxes should not be over 5%. Corporations should not be controlled by the government, but if they pose some kind of danger to the country they should be regulated.
Environment-The government should support Electric cars by offering tax credits to companies that sell them. Also people who buy them should be recieve a tax credit. Solar power should replace the use of oil. Domestic production should continue middle eastern oil should not be used by the U.S. Wind power should be used in off shore wind farms.
Immigration-English should become the national lanuage. Documents including drivers test should all be in english. Illegal immigrants should be prosecuted, they broke the law, and they should be deported. The U.S. should support legal immigration, but due to over population the number of new citizens should be resticted. Companies that employ illegals should be fined and or put out of bussiness. A wall should be constructed along the U.S. mexican border. The U.S. should support workers visa cards for people who want to work here. The U.S. should guide Mexico to help them improve their country, but should not do so with tax payer’s money.
Abortion-should be allowed, look at it this way. Do you want to pay with your taxes for someone’s kid to go through hell living in child care without parents? and what if a girl was raped? This is not an easy answer, and I don’t support the idea of it, but in reality I think it should be allowed, I support abortion. I also support stem cell research.
Gay Marriage-I do not support, but if the majority of a state’s population wants to allow it, then it should be allowed.
Death Penalty-I support, but the evidence has to be there. Your taxes should not go to keeping murdurers and rapists alive.
Crime-More Police and harsher laws. I do not believe in legalizing drugs. Medicinal use should be allowed though. Kids should be educated better in school through programs like d.a.r.e. More colleges should be built in high crime areas like L.A. Oakland, Detriot, to offer people a chance to escape from poverty.
Welfare-I do not believe a large portion of taxes should go to welfare, people need to help themselves. I do believe in food stamps and out of work aid, but not welfare cadallics.
Education-needs national standards and all schools need to have the same criteria in order to graduate high schools and colleges. If a student obtains a GPA above 3.5 their cost to attend any college of their choice (accepted to) should be waved. College should not be out of reach, anyone should be able to attend schools like harvard if they worked hard, despite what their parents make.
Military-Afganistan should be kept under control due to the terror treat. Osama Bin Laden should be captured and prosecuted for his crimes. Diplomacy should always be used before military engagement. The United Nations should should step in on certain issues like the genocide in Darfur. Dipolmacy should be used towards North Korea, but if they go against international law they should be sanctioned.
Gantonomo should not be shut down. They should recieve trials in court though.
Social Security-should not be spent by the government it isn’t their money to spend.
Health Care-should be similar to Canada
The Second Amendment-automatic weapons should be illegal, background checks should be required, Certain guns should not be owned. Should be regulated, but responsible people should be allowed to own a gun.
Afirmative Action-should be abolished, there should be a colorblindness towards everyone. People should be defined by their accomplishments not by their race.
Best answer:
Answer by JT
I have to disagree on your stance on abortion. I understand, but being a christian I can not agree. Other than that, I am with you! I must be honest though….I would have a hard time believing you. You sound too good to be true! 🙂
Oops….I missed the health care issue…..I don’t believe in socialism an any form. Those people are not getting good health care,.
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