Question by Mic: Your predictions on short filmmaking this year (and next year) ?
Let’s dig out your crystal ball, dusted it off and answer my question 🙂
Best answer:
Answer by MK
Just found this article . Very interesting 🙂
Short Films Will Keep Getting Longer. There are some who follow the 3 minute rule, the 10 minute rule, extend to the 15 minute rule, and others who will go as far as 30 to 45 minutes and still call their film a ‘short’. That’s cool, we think. Technology has gotten cheaper, so why not embrace the ambition and make a film that’s still shorter than a feature, but not so self-contained? We don’t have a name for it, but it’s something like a novella (not a novel, not a short story). Any ideas?
Serious Documentaries. 2008 brought to many people a new level of awareness of global politics, history, and a hope for the future. It might be the right time for many to think about what issues and events are important to them, grab a camera, and put images to their ideas. We have a feeling that whether you’re focusing on a friend from a country you’ve never heard of, or your family tree from found photos, there are always questions to find an answer for.
More animation. Come to think of it, screw reality. There’s enough stuff out there to watch based in the ‘real’ – whether it’s a staged talk show or authentic happening caught on tape – that maybe we should be creating something from scratch. Invent a new world, visual language, and tell an original story whether you’re drawing by hand or have the latest animation software. Yes, full length animated films are going through a renaissance – so what better time to do something original and memorable in the short form?
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!